再來的愛 EP Out Now

Emmy the Great’s 再來的愛 EP released December 10 2018, on all digital channels on Plumeria.

In 2016, after her third album Second Love was released, Emmy the Great (Emma-Lee Moss) began using music to explore her identity as a British-Chinese woman. She began translating her songs into Cantonese, her mother-tongue, and Mandarin. 再來的愛 collects some of the fruits of this exploration, including the song Constantly (不斷地), which was released in both English and Mandarin in 2017.

Emmy says, “The work that started with these songs took me on an incredible journey, and helped me come to terms with who I was. Singing them live was a cathartic experience, that brought me closer to audience members who might have similar stories.”


Emmy the Great’s 再來的愛 EP 由Plumeria發行.

Emmy the Great, 莫皚明的創作専輯 ”再來的愛 Second Love“ 在2016年推出。這次,她開始用音樂去探索作為一個英中混合女性的身份。把歌曲翻譯為粤語和國語。”再來的愛“蒐集了一些她探索的成果,包括在2017年推出的英語和國語版的 "不斷地 Constantly”.

Emmy 這些歌曲帶領我走上一段不可思議的旅程。並幫助我接受我的身份。現場演唱給我一個解放及動人的體驗。演唱會後,結識了新朋友, 聽了他們類似的故事